HOPE… one cup at a time
CUP FULL of HOPE™ is a program designed to help support youth-focused charities in Canada. Whether physically, mentally, or economically disadvantaged, thousands of young Canadians need help, they need hope and this program strives to do just that “… one cup at a time!”

Through its beverage companies and support from its many thousands of loyal customers,
Allied Coffee Corp. will make an annual donation to a youth-focused Canadian charity in the areas in which it does business… but this sum of money is really generated by you, the customer, every time you drink that perfect cup of coffee or enjoy a cool glass of purified water from one of our companies, you are helping to support those young Canadians who need a
Allied Coffee Corp. is proudly supporting the following charities:

Maritime Coffee Privacy Policy
Any information supplied or submitted at maritimecoffee.com or our Facebook pages is kept private and confidential and is never sold, reviewed, or used by any party other than Maritime Coffee service or Aquaviva office water if you have inquired about our water service.
Our sole company purpose is to provide you with the best coffee, the purest water and customer service that goes beyond legendary.